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mistral amsterdam

2021 display

As an interval to the current state of hibernation all around us, a selection of website works by Damon Zucconi is being screened now in the front window of mistral.
These works have no fixed duration. They adapt to the resolution of the screen they are presented on changing in scale, or altering their compositions entirely to occupy space. They’re presented in no order. They’re accessible online for no audience in particular.
The chats are dumbed down models of conversational cul de sacs. They utilize a sculptural representation of the hand to simulate mistyped input: humanization; a kind of ergonomic layer for chat bots.
The dictionary works present definitions without their corresponding terms. Split up into parts of speech they also offer up dumbed down models, but more broadly: of object, of action, of qualia. All dictionaries are circular documents, dependent on some kind of order—these renounce it.
The consecutives take short fragments of text and place a roving character window over them. “Rivers”, “lakes” and “holes”—this is the terming that typographers use to describe failures in control over the reader’s eye.
The edge transfers simply pull apart two images on the left and right and pass them back and forth, embedding each in its opposite. A conjurer’s hands.
The endless repetition of their content and presence online, along with their noncommittal characteristic towards their audience, and reprogrammed order, make these pages abstract platforms for different constellations of meanings (academic, scientific, otherwise). Meaning that seems reconfigured. Poetic even. Words and patterns formed from an abundance of possibilities.
The selection for mistral can best be admired from the magic hour until early dawn (or until curfew if/when this is applicable). Also, from the comfort of behind your own screen via this link.
And a complete list of all of Damon Zucconi’s website works can be found via his own website.


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Pakhuis Wilhelmina
Groenhoedenveem 2
entrance round the corner at veemkade
1019 BL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

mistral amsterdam